Bachelor of Science in Meteorology

The Department
The Consortium on Meteorology Education and Training (CoMET) is an initiative that participated by DOST-PAGASA, AGHAM Party-list, CHED, and four Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), including the Visayas State University (VSU), in offering the Bachelor of Science Meteorology program. VSU is the only HEI offering the program catering students from the Visayas and Mindanao region. The challenges of the changing atmosphere and the dearth of expertise in atmospheric science and meteorology demand for capacity building in this specialized field of study.
The Department of Meteorology was established by virtue of BOR Resolution No. 109 series of 2016.
VSU, through the Department of Meteorology under the College of Engineering and Technology, envisions that the exigency of professionals in the country who understand how the atmosphere behaves will significantly grow in years.
Current advances in this field include big data analytics, high-resolution numerical modeling, and ensemble nowcasting and long-range forecasting.
The undergraduate degree program in Meteorology is a balance between a holistic general education program and a substantial BS Meteorology curriculum. The program shall provide the students with comprehensive and rigorous training in math and physics as a foundation for careers in meteorology and atmospheric science and the full understanding of the importance of meteorological study to humans.
- Produce highly competent and world-class professionals in meteorology;
- Develop a strong and dynamic faculty and staff of the department;
- Offer excellent and relevant undergraduate and graduate programs;
- Generate appropriate knowledge and technologies relevant to the conservation, management, and utilization of available resources;
- Establish and sustain dynamic linkages with private sector for the promotion of instruction, research, and extension programs of the department; and
- Provide science and technology expertise to relevant sectors in the country and in other countries.
Program Educational Objectives
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are statements that describe what graduates are expected to achieve within 3-5 years after graduation. These program objectives are based on the university’s Vision and Mission, and the needs of its constituencies. The following are the PEOs of the Department of Meteorology:
- Create and provide weather forecasts to the general public through different multimedia weather broadcasting platforms;
- Manage business with weather sensitive operations (e.g., aviation, marine, navigation, power, oil exploration) and military;
- Lead local or international firms that are involved in natural hazards and disaster risk reduction;
- Conduct multi-disciplinary research studies that can be utilized by the industry and for the advancement of meteorology;
- Pursue advanced studies in meteorology and emerging related fields;
- Occupy responsible positions in meteorology education; and other PEOs unique to the institution.
Program Outcomes
a. Grasp knowledge of atmospheric physics, mathematics, chemistry, and statistics; climate science; and synoptic, dynamic and tropical meteorology to solve simple to complex meteorological problems;
b. Design a system, component, or process; apply scientific reasoning, computational and experimental methods; and analyze and interpret data to meet desired needs within realistic constraints in accordance with standards;
c. Communicate effectively meteorological knowledge, activities and forecasts using modern techniques, skills and technology with the scientific community and with society at large; and
d. Recognize and adopt specialized fields and recent developments in Meteorology.